Hi, my name is Sandi Laufenberg. I am the lead developer at LadySword Productions, which is based in the Madison, Wisconsin, area. I started LadySword Productions in 1998. In 2004, LadySword became part of The Winner's Way, Inc. Then, in 2014, we became a division of YHWH Is Our Rock, Inc.
Bragging is not really my forte', nor my hobby---but this would be the time to do it, I guess... So let me say that formerly, as a freelancer, I had produced hundreds of artistic AND awesome webpages, rendered hundreds of graphics, and created many databases. However - things just got better and better for LadySword. You see, over the years we have grown in our connections and associations. This network of professionals make up "our team". And now -- though I myself can't do everything -- OUR TEAM CAN.
More info and my resume links can be found here.
LadySword Productions has an excellent team of associate programmers. Their combined talents CAN DO ALMOST EVERYTHING. No lie.
Our network is made up of a number of excellent IT professionals. Whether you need a brand new website -- a new or improved database -- or -- a programming fix, you have come to the RIGHT place!
With LadySword Productions, you will get fantastic results -- that is my personal promise to you.
So.... if you don't see what you need on our site -- please don't hesitate to ask... or make a suggestion. We'd love to hear from you.
With our network of professionals --- the sky is the limit !!
- Sandi Laufenberg
Article ID 14
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Article ID 131
BEWARE! Public Wi-Fi is NOT SAFE! (intro)
Visitors come to your website - but how are they connected to the Internet when they come? That is the key.
If the connection is public - it is unprotected and can be easily hi-jacked by a "Wi-fi Attacker". Here are just some of the unwanted results that might occur:
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What's New for Ladysword Productions?
Lots. Lots of new stuff for LadySword Productions.
We are in a long-term process of upgrading our website, going mobile - and responsive. ....
What's on our schedule of new stuff to be added?
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